6 Easy Ways To Write A Better Blog Post And Attract More Readers

Write Better Blog Post

Are you a blogger struggling to get readers? Are you finding it difficult to write a blog post? Don't worry you are not alone. There are many bloggers who are finding it tough to write a quality blog post and getting readers or traffic. Visitors to blog play a significant role in making your blog popular and attracting those visitors to stay and read more of your blog posts and return for more is often a tough task. Writing quality and informative posts can do the trick. You are not required to follow every grammar rule for writing a quality blog post. You can write a post in a way in which your readers understand and respond to. Today we share with you six easy ways to write better blog posts and attract your readers to stay and read more of your content and come back again and again.

  1. Write Important Point first:

    Communicate your most important message and get right to the point in the beginning. Also keep in mind that the introduction is not too lengthy which may be wasting your reader's time. In fact try writing like a journalist who starts with the strong points and end with the less important content. This way if the reader only reads the first few points or paragraphs, he will get enough information on the topic you are writing and he should be able to decide whether he wants to read further.

  2. Target the right Audience:

    While writing a post, keep in mind that you are one of the readers from the audience you are targeting. In that way you will be able to write better, useful and meaningful post as you are thinking like a reader and you know the value of each point. Also try to keep the post entertaining.

    Quick Tip: If you are getting bored while writing then your readers will also get bored while reading.

  3. Short and Simple:

    Blog posts should be clearly expressed. Most blog readers don't like to read long posts. They often leave it in middle or just read the points. So try to write to a post which can be read or expressed in few minutes. Also make sure that break the paragraphs and use bullet points wherever possible. Doing this will enhance the visual appearance of your blog post and your readers won’t be messed up.

    Quick Tip: Keeping things short and simple is the way to a good blog post.

  4. Stay Focused:

    Stick to the topic on which you are writing. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't entertain your readers in between by putting a funny line or quote. Just make sure that the fun factor you are trying to add is related to the blog post topic on which you are writing. This will create a great mixture of knowledge or information you are sharing with a fun factor.

  5. Simplify your Writing:

    Readers expect to have a post which is easy to read and understand. Use simple words and phrases so that a reader doesn’t need to open up a thesaurus or a dictionary to find the meaning. For e.g., if your targeted audience is relatively younger then use words that match a young reading level. Yet again keeping things simple will do the trick.

  6. Use of Images:

    A picture speaks a thousand words. Human remember the pictures more than the text they read. It's a normal psychological nature of a human being. So try using descriptive images which can explain the overall concept or aim of the blog post.


With the above 6 ways, today we learn that keeping things short, simple and to the point with a little fun factor will produce a well written, easily digestible blog post which the readers will love to read. Share your experience with us and let us know if these 6 tips help you in your writing.

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