Drive Traffic From Pinterest With Only 6 Practical Tips

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Pinterest is the fastest growing social networking site these days which now ranks 3rd according to "The 2012 Digital Marketer: Benchmark and Trend Report” following Facebook on 1st position and Twitter on 2nd. Almost every blogger today has adapted Facebook, Twitter and also Google+ for getting to their blogs and now it's time to get your hands on Pinterest. Pinterest can bring you huge traffic if used correctly and wisely. In fact it can bring more traffic than Facebook and Google+. You must have read other such articles which give you lots of tips. But having all of them in your mind can confuse you, so we have sorted out the 6 only important tips you must follow to drive traffic from Pinterest. These tips are simple but effective and practical which will bring traffic to your blog on a regular basis. So what are we waiting for? Let's get started.

  1. Keyword-Rich Boards with Description:

    Boards are like a category where you pin your posts. While naming a board, make sure the title you give is short and self-explanatory. Also do not forget to write a description for that board. While writing a description use your main related keywords but do not spam. Remember that description is most important to get you in the search results.
  2. Choose Categories Wisely:

    After you create a board you need to choose a category for that board. Pinterest is a bit limited in categories, so choose the most accurate and nearest category in which your board fits. Make sure you rarely use "Other" category because it kind of depicts a mix category which makes it difficult to make a board self-explanatory.
  3. Pin Regularly With Description:

    For bloggers, doing something regularly is not new. Almost every post on the internet relating to driving traffic includes a task which needs to be done on a regular basis. This is applicable to Pinterest as well. You need to pin new content regularly to stay in touch with your existing followers and never let them forget you. Also make sure you write a short description (max 500 characters) for each pin to get in the search results often.
  4. Select the Correct Image to Pin:

    As we mentioned to give a self-explanatory title to your boards, the same rule applies while selecting images. Select the image which directly relates to the content of your post. This will give the reader a brief idea of what the post is all about. Also keep in mind that humans remember visual things more than text matter.
  5. Stay Active and get Repins:

    Getting repins may not be that easy as it sounds. You need to encourage the readers or existing followers to repin your pins. One way to get repins is to like, comment, follow, repin other people pins. But this way you cannot build targeted and long term audience. Instead try building a community and regularly interact with people in your niche. After sometime those people will themselves come forward to like, comment and repin your pins and this is what will lead to a long term audience.
  6. Put “Pin it” Button:

    This is a very simple but effective trick to spread your post all over Pinterest. It is similar sharing on Facebook and tweeting on Twitter. "Pint it" button would just be a great addition on your blog. You can get a button on their Goodies page.


Pinterest is fairly new but with popularity going sky high each and every day, you just cannot let go this opportunity. Take full advantage of Pinterest before it gets filled with spam and restrictions. We hope after following those 6 tips, Pinterest will be one of your top sources of traffic. If you have any questions or doubts regarding Pinterest, feel free to ask us.

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