10 Simple But Important Tips For Writing A Resume

Resume Writing Tips
A Resume is one of the most important document when applying for a job. It highlights your background, experience, skills, etc. Without a proper resume, your chances of being selected for an interview or specific post goes down. This is fairly a common issue for freshers. Most entrepreneurs say resume is half of your interview. So you need to be very careful and precise while writing a resume. Are you among the ones going for an interview or struggling to be selected for an interview? Need some assistance in writing or updating your resume? This post will help you to get success in writing a proper resume. Whether you are writing a resume first time or have already written a resume but not able to pass the interview, the following 10 simple tips will definitely help you.

1. Basic and Simple Font

Choose a font which is easy to read like Verdana. Also make sure that to do not exceed more than two different fonts in your resume.

2. Format of Resume

There are lots of different formats of resume used for job openings. Basically they are categorized in chronological resume, a functional resume, combination resume, or a targeted resume. Choose the right format or take out some time and make your own format which is well worth the effort.

3. Complete Contact Information

Give your detailed contact information so that the employers can easily get in touch with you. Make sure you include your full name, mobile number as well as an alternate number which will help the employers to contact you if your mobile number is not reachable or something other problem.

4. Match Job Description

While writing a resume keep in mind that your profile matches the job description of the company in which you are applying. It will increase your chances of being selected for an interview as your profile matches the available positions in the company you have applied.

5. Clarify your Objective

Write your objective in a manner that it matches the job description. Be specific and to the point and get a better chance of being selected for the job.

6. Prioritize your Achievements

An achievement actually defines your ability and your experience. List the biggest and the most important achievement first and the less important ones after that.

7. Neat and Clean

Keep your resume neat and clean as far as possible. Do not mess your resume with unnecessary information, lot of bold text, borders, etc. Only bold the headings and most important text.

8. Double Check your Resume

Completed your resume and ready to go? Not so fast, my friend! Always check your resume 2-3 times for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, etc. before saying "Yes I have completed!"

9. Send Resume via Email as Attachment

If you are looking to send your resume via email, then send it as an attachment instead of copy pasting the content of your resume in the email. In the email message do not forget to give your general information, contact information and time to contact you.

10. Write on your Own

Now the most important tip, write your resume on your own. Do not tell someone to write for you because you know about yourself much more than anyone else. Also you will be assured that there is no mistake in the resume and you know what you have written.

Share your experience?

We hope these 10 simple but important tips will help you in getting selected for an interview. If you need any help, feel free to ask. If you received any call from the company where you applied, then share your experience with us!

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